sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007

Other People´s Children [ Selective Memory ]

01 - Pale Mourning Son.mp3
02 - Delete Control.mp3
03 - Slow Learner.mp3
04 - Town Of My Mother.mp3
05 - Catalogue.mp3
06 - Of Concern.mp3
07 - Lizzie.mp3
08 - Torn Lovers.mp3
09 - Happy Friend In A Frosted City.mp3
10 - The Problem Lies.mp3
11 - Pale Morning Sun.mp3
12 - Out Like A Light.mp3

Mais um album do fantástico OTher People´s Children. Leiam o post anterior para mais detalhes. Completamente imperdível!

Feito para quem gosta de: Postal Service, Dntel, Gudrun Gut, Donna Regina, Rework, Stereolab, Portishead


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